Spanish for Travelers in Guatemala

by j.batres

Spanish for Travelers

Spanish immersion for travelers is a program for students who want to study in a traditional way without the structure of the other programs. This program is perfect for senior citizens, adults and teens who visit the city for less than four weeks.

Our teachers will be using their own educational material that they have produced over the years of teaching the target language. Our students will be able to shape their class to their personal preferences (some prefer more conversation, or more grammar or to be more active). Homework can be optional.

This programs has the flexibility to accommodate the students’ linguistic and cultural interests without the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) academic and cultural standards.

It is not required to bring your own textbook if you are going to enroll in this program. A Spanish/your own language dictionary is recommended to bring with you.

Spanish for Travelers in Guatemala

After your initial assessment, your teacher will write a lesson plan using the GANAG template providing all the linguistic objectives of the week including what you will be learning each day, evaluations, homework assignments, rubrics, thinking maps, logical sequencing of concepts, and more.

 Thie lesson plan will be shared with you via google drive on Tuesday.

We offer daily social and cultural activities including field trips and excursions during the weekends. 

Homestay with a local family is part of the program.

If you are looking for more structured programs with a good balance of all the linguistic components, our regular, accelerated, and academic options might the right ones for you. We also offer study Spanish subjunctive for advanced students and Spanish for Retirees 

Holidays – No Classes. However, you have to pay for the five days. We have to obey the labor law, otherwise, we are fined by the government.

January 1 Good Friday
May 1 June 25*
September 15 October 20*
November 1* December 25
Clase de tejido, Momostenango, Totonicapán. Fuentes Georginas, Zunil, Quetzaltenango. Clase de tejido a estudiantes de español Casa Xelajú, Guatemala. Laguna de Chicabal, Casa Xelajú, Quetzaltenango. Programa de Español para viajeros, Casa Xelajú, Quetzaltenango.

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